Showing posts with label FLORMAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FLORMAR. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 August 2011

GIVEAWAY - temptations temptations

Another weekend in paradise(i'm being ironic, the location is far from being like haven) started by discovering new giweaways with marvelous things!!!

starting with L'OREAL products, many of them, offered by BEAUTYCRAZED until 16 of September!!!

Concurs, produse Flormar !

DA DA, FLORMAR BRASOV pune la bataie 3 produse FLORMAR !!!

pana la data de 20 august.

in continuare produse IVATHERM oferite de CLARRA pana pe data de 31 august, atentie la conditiile ei !

si in final DORINA ofera mult produse mult mult dorite de mine si anume produsele lui MARIO BADESCU, ea ne ofera totodata ocazia sa citim mai multe amanunte despre MARIO BADESCU, roman de al nostru care trateaza de multi ani persoanele publice din USA si nu numai.